22c Ngati Maru Highway, Thames New Zealand-3578
electrical thames


electrician thames
refrigeration thames


refrigeration coromandel
air conditioning thames


air conditioning coromandel
security installation thames


security install coromandel
thames electirican

About UsTrusted Electrical and Refrigeration businesses based in Thames

Cool Electric (formerly Thames Refrigeration & Electrical) offers a wide range of services to it's many customers both within Thames itself and the wider area including but not limited to the east and west coasts of the Coromandel Peninsula, the Hauraki Plains, the Thames Valley and the Northern Waikato.

We pride ourselves on being easy to communicate with and strive to deliver a cost-effective, compliant service within a reasonable time frame.

Trusted Thames Electrician for Reliable Solutions

At Cool Electric in Thames, our team comprises registered and licensed electricians, alongside trained apprentices, ensuring excellent service. We prioritise safety, using the most advanced testing tools to certify all of our work and providing peace of mind to our clients. Specialising in a wide range of services, from residential rewiring to commercial solutions, including air conditioning, heat pump, and security CCTV installations, our expertise shines through. We're known for swift emergency repairs, energy-efficient upgrades, and thorough safety inspections. When you choose Cool Electric, you're opting for excellence in every connection. Contact us now for unmatched electrician services in Thames, where your satisfaction is our utmost priority.

Our Services

Most experienced, reliable and trusted Electrical, and Refrigeration

Electrical Work

Installation of wiring & lighting, Maintenance & repair, etc.

Air Conditioning / Heat Pumps

Qualified Air condition Technicians (IQP Registered) & Registered Electricians.

Security System

Security alarms – Licenced installers, and CCTV Cameras – Licenced Installers.



Qualified Refrigeration Technicians, Commercial & Farm Refrigeration.